10 things that make any traveler happy

I know, traveling in itself is already a huge joy for any traveler.

Wanting some extra happiness while traveling can seem like a lot of wanting more. After all, if we’re already traveling, what else do we need?

But the truth is that throughout my trips I have noticed small events that make me very happy . In fact, I confess that I always hope they happen.

Today I want to share with you the joys I have during, or even before, my travels. I believe that you can probably identify with some of them too.

1- Airline ticket promotion for your next destination

There are many ways to save money on airline tickets , but there’s nothing better than finding a deal to exactly where you want to travel. If it’s for the dates you want, feel blessed by the travel gods. For me, this is the best way to start a trip.

2- Have your visa application approved

While with a passport it is possible to travel for tourism to dozens of countries, in many others one has to apply for a visa in advance and comply with a series of requirements. And even if all the requirements requested are met, the risk of denial of a visa and a trip being canceled still remains.

I’ve never been in this position, but it must be somewhat annoying.

Therefore, having your visa approved is, without a doubt, a reason to celebrate.

3- Spend less than expected

No matter what it may be, saving money on something you did not expect is good news. One of my most favorite surprises while traveling is finding out that the day for free entry to an attraction is on the very same day that I had plans to go.

4- Being surprised (positively) by the hostel breakfast

Normally, hostels are not places where you can have a hearty breakfast – please understand that. In fact, the vast majority of hostels I have stayed at in Latin America do not offer this service, or charge extra for it. Which is perfectly understandable.

In any case, in some countries it is common for breakfast to be included in the price of accommodation. Most of the time it is a simple meal.

However, to the delight of hungry travelers , some hostels offer amazing breakfasts. The one that impressed me the most was the one at México City Hostel: scrambled eggs (the best I’ve ever had), sliced ​​bread, crackers, toast, cake, fruit, yogurt, granola, coffee, milk, juice, tea, butter and several types of jam. All of this is available for you to eat as many times as you want – a real luxury for a hostel.

5- Travel to cities where you can do everything on foot (or by bike)

The Ministry of Health warns: “Visiting places where you will only depend on yourself to get around is good for your health and your pocket”.

6- Discovering that tap water can be drunk

There’s nothing like being able to fill up your bottle as many times as you want without having to pay for it!

7- Receive clean clothes from the laundry

Let the traveler who has never smelled a t-shirt to find out if it was still usable or not cast the first stone!

Let the traveler who has never worn a piece of clothing more often than he or she would normally wear at home cast the first stone!

And finally, let the traveler who has never felt excited when receiving a bag full of clean, smelling clothes from the dry cleaners cast the first stone!

8- Boarding and disembarking at an airport connected to the subway

In the perfect world of the imaginary traveler, all airports on the planet would be connected to some subway station. After all, there’s nothing better than arriving in a city without having to sell a kidney to pay for a taxi ride, or having to spend precious hours on a bus.

Of the many pleasant discoveries I made in Mexico City, one of the happiest was knowing that getting to this city’s international airport would be absolutely quick and cheap thanks to the Mexican capital’s efficient subway network.

9- Being alone in a shared dormitory

Don’t get me wrong, I understand and agree that one of the best things about hostels is the interaction between guests and the potential friends you can make there . However, let’s face it, not being woken up by other people’s snoring, being able to use the bathroom whenever you want and turning on the light early to organize your suitcase are all things that also have their value.

10- Realize, in practice, that the world is full of good people

I am one of the people who believe, really, that on this planet there are infinitely more good than bad people. On so many occasions during my traveling life, I have received help from all kinds of people and absolute strangers, and with each occasion, it made this idea clearer.

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