10 really effective tips for traveling cheaply

However, everything changed after I decided to go backpacking through Bolivia and Peru with three other friends. It was one of them who convinced me that the trip wouldn’t be very expensive, so I started saving part of my intern salary for a year and a half to go on this trip.

One would say this often, but it is true that this journey turned out to be really a turning point in life. That is where I discovered that traveling on a budget is possible.

It was there that I discovered that traveling on a budget is possible. And the best part: that doesn’t necessarily mean that I’ll have trouble when I’m away from home.

It was after this backpacking trip that traveling became, in a way, one of my priorities in life.

Since then, I have traveled to several countries in Latin America, almost always saving a lot and trying to spend as little as possible. However, of course, I still enjoy what the destination in question has to offer.

If you, like me, still think that traveling cheaply is an illusion, I want to invite you to continue reading this post.

1-  Plan ahead

If I had to give you just one tip on how to travel cheaply , I would probably choose this one. After all, many of the items I will tell you about are part of good travel planning.

If I plan well, for me, it means that I will read a lot about my destination, I will talk to people who have already visited the place I intend to go, that I will look for information from different sources and, most importantly, it means that I will do all of this in advance .

For instance, had I intended to travel during one of the holidays in April and May, the arrangements would already have begun in November or December of last year. The latest one would be January.

When you start planning your trip in advance, you have more time to find cheap places to eat, visit, and monitor the price changes for flights and accommodation. And of course, you have enough time to change your plans if necessary.

2- Travel in low season

If there is one thing that I strive to avoid at all costs, then it would have to be traveling during long weekends or school holidays. You are not only going to be visiting a place that is sure to be absolved but will probably end up paying more for it as well.

Of course, traveling in low season is not always possible. On the contrary, the dates we usually have to travel are exactly those of high season.

In this case, my suggestion is that you go to less crowded places that are not trending on your social media news feeds.

Certain destinations suddenly become famous and, out of nowhere, become super expensive. Usually when this happens to a place I would like to visit, I put other trips ahead of me until those 15 minutes of fame pass.

3- Choose destinations where your money will go further

If you want to travel on a budget , choosing your destination will be a determining factor in the cost of your trip.

Well, I know that for many of us, years are spent finally getting ready to go somewhere, and letting the finances interfere with our vacation plans is pretty annoying.

Our world is full of amazing places that one can discover by not spending too much money on accommodation, food, and sightseeing tours.

A good example would be Latin America, which offers numerous traveling opportunities at really affordable prices: Ecuador, Bolivia, Nicaragua, Guatemala, El Salvador, and Mexico.

On the other hand, Chile, Uruguay, Belize and Costa Rica are not usually budget-friendly .

So, if all these countries I mentioned have attractions for more than one trip, why not start with those where your expenses will be lower?

4- Learn how to save on airfare

If your trip includes some flying—which most trips do—then airfare is likely to be one of the priciest elements of your itinerary. For that reason, it might be pretty important for you to know how to save on airfare.

Some of the techniques I use are: stopover, open jaw, searching for flights in an anonymous window, flying to secondary airports and on days and times when tickets are usually cheaper.

5- Spend little on accommodation

While most luxury hotels are comfortable and beautiful, they are normally quite expensive as well. Of course, you will have a really great time if you can afford one. But that is not the case with me, and as I mentioned, it’s not usually the case with people who travel cheaply.

Therefore, the solution is to find other, more economical accommodation options . Family-run guesthouses already have a huge price difference compared to 4 or 5-star hotels.

To spend even less, hostels have become increasingly popular not only among young backpackers, but also among couples, more experienced travelers and even families.

This means that for solo travelers, shared dorms in a hostel will always represent the best value for money. However, traveling with a partner and in need of some privacy, hostels also offer private rooms at great value for money.

Airbnb is another fast-growing source of accommodation among tourists and saves one a lot of money, considering that you can often cook your own meals and go out to restaurants less often.

To combine savings with a completely enriching experience, Couchsurfing bridges the gap between travelers and local residents who open the doors of their homes for an interesting cultural exchange.

Whatever you choose, remember to keep in mind the location of the place where you are staying. If it’s really bad, then probably it’s worth a bit more on accommodation, so you will save from it on transportation to various spots around the city.

6- Save on transportation

Except in very few places in the world, the available taxi services are an expensive affair for anyone looking to travel economically.

It’s even worse when you are coming from the airport to the city center. Sometimes you end up paying more for transport to the airport than for the plane ticket itself.

Therefore, before traveling, research what public transportation is like in the place you are going to visit . Using it is the best way to save some of your money.

Check opening hours, how to get to and from the airport or bus station, and whether it is easy to get to the tourist attractions you want to see.

Another solution that can help, depending on your destination, is to rent a bike. And of course, walking will always be the cheapest option.

7- Keep an eye out for free attractions at your destination

One of the many reasons people travel is to see new places. Thousands of travelers flock to see museums, parks, and monuments; most of these charge for their entrance fee to visit. While some places are not that expensive to visit, others are actually pretty expensive.

You’re never obligated to do all the things that a guidebook or any travel blog recommends, unless you really want to. Quite often, I go through and see which ones seem the most interesting, based on my tastes, and then see whether they offer any kind of discount or if there is some day of the week that is free.

Another cheap tour that I really like is the Free Walking Tours. It works on a voluntary basis, at the end of the tour everyone pays what they think is fair or can afford. In addition, many of them give you discount coupons for bars, restaurants and even shops in the area where the tour took place.

8- You don’t need to eat at restaurants every day

Or at least not in expensive restaurants. Look, I don’t recommend that anyone commit the sin of going anywhere and not even trying the local cuisine. What I mean is that skipping some meals in restaurants will help you travel while spending less money .

The classic street food tip, despite being overused, is still valid for those who want to try typical dishes without having to spend a lot.

Carrying snacks in your bag for all-day outings is another commandment to avoid paying the high prices that restaurants usually charge near tourist attractions.

Furthermore, anyone staying somewhere with a kitchen can prepare their own meal.

9- Forget about souvenirs and keepsakes

Brazilians, in general, love buying gifts for themselves or for friends and family when they travel. However, from one souvenir to another, part of their money evaporates as quickly as water in the Atacama Desert.

I know it can be hard to not buy anything at all while traveling, and you don’t have to be that radical if you don’t want to. But why not look for products from local communities where you’ll often spend less and have a much bigger impact on the lives of the people selling them?

10- Wandering Journey

At first glance, it may seem like the logic that traveling for longer periods of time costs less doesn’t make sense. However, in practice, that’s exactly how it works.

“Let’s take a taxi because otherwise we won’t have time to get to attraction X.”

“I’m going to go into this restaurant because it’s right next door and I don’t have time to waste.”

“ Wow , I’m going to have to pay $30.00 to visit this museum. Even though if I could stay until tomorrow I wouldn’t pay anything.”

These are just a few examples of situations and expenses that can be avoided when traveling without rushing.

Another advantage of traveling slowly is having more time to get to know the city and do some everyday things. Of course, this is a very personal question, but one of the things I like most about traveling is being able to just relax for a day or two, without any obligations.

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