Istanbul what to do: Discover 10 amazing attractions

We have put together a guide to what to do in Istanbul: Discover 10 amazing attractions , check out the list and add the main attractions to your itinerary:

1. Bosphorus Cruise

Famous for the Bosphorus Strait, which separates the two continents on either side, Asian and European, Turkey is an absolutely unique-looking country. Probably one of the most beautiful views that one can take in at Istanbul would be from an excursion along its waters, with a mix of works of nature and man. This cruise ride will last for about 2 hours, which gives one the opportunity to have a view of the hillside of Istanbul, steeped in so much history, interspersed with architectural works like mansions and old palaces.

2. Istanbul Museums

For museum lovers , Istanbul also has excellent sites that are open to the public. The major ones in the city are the Archaeological Museum and the Museum of Turkish and Islamic Art. If you have a great deal more time, other city museums you can visit include: the Mosaic Museum, the Atatürk Museum, the Calligraphy Museum, the Carpet Museum, the Museum of Modern Art, the Naval Museum, the Science and Technology Museum, and the Military Museum.

3. Hagia Sophia

Hagia Sophia is an ancient cathedral built by Emperor Constantine, but the version existing now was constructed by Emperor Justinian. The internal distance is pretty short, so you can get the opportunity to see both the Cathedral and the Mosque on the same day.

4. Basilica Cistern

It is one of the immense reservoirs built by Emperor Justinian to store water that served to supply ancient Constantinople. The reservoir is located underground and its structure is 65 meters wide, 143 meters long and has 336 marble columns – a true architectural spectacle that surpasses time. The place is truly beautiful and impressive.

5. Roman Hippodrome

A 4th century work also built by Emperor Constantine, the Roman Hippodrome was used as a center of entertainment and fun. Today, you will find an Egyptian Obelisk (from the city of Luxor), a serpentine column, a German fountain, and an obelisk made of stone. Although the Hippodrome itself was destroyed long ago, it is worth visiting the site and admiring the works on display there, not to mention that admission is free, so take advantage of it!

6. Topkapi Palace

One of the most stunning attractions in Istanbul is this palace. A legacy of the Ottoman Empire, Topkapi Palace covers around 700,000m² and has several rooms including halls, treasuries, mosques, churches, a library, the famous harem and much more. Be prepared to walk around a lot and be amazed by all the beauty. Currently, entry costs 60TL for the palace and 35TL for the harem.

7. Whirling Dervish Ceremony

Another great spectacular attraction in Turkey is the Whirling Dervish Ceremony , it is simply beautiful and you must see this masterpiece. The Ceremonies take place in several cities such as Cappadocia and Konya , and of course in Istanbul too.

8. The Asian side of Istanbul

Earlier I mentioned the division of Istanbul, and the attractions mentioned above are all located on the European side of this Turkish city. But what about the Asian side?

Istanbul on the Asian side can really surprise you. To get there, you need to board a ferry to cross over to Kadikoy. At Kadikoy station, you can find handicrafts and many souvenirs, while the market offers several gastronomic options. Oh, and it’s important to note that in Kadikoy, you’ll see a simply incredible sunset.

Nearby, there is a district called Moda, and the name itself says it all. This is where the studios are concentrated. For those who love to party, Moda has great options for enjoying the night, but it still doesn’t compare to the European side of Istanbul.

The most common tourist tours on the Asian side are round trips, so you can go in the morning and return in the late afternoon.

9. The delights of Turkish food

As for the exceptional dishes on the Turkish table , it is worth indulging in the traditional soups, the Turks love soups so you can be sure that this type of food cannot be missed.

The starter is practically a meal, with all kinds of pâtés, salads, sauces, and breads that ensure a full stomach even before the main course has arrived, but beware not to overeat; after all, there’s more food coming.

If you like pasta, you must taste Manti, the Turkish ravioli. And last but not least, you go to Turkey and not try Kebab and Kofta—this is a deadly sin; of this, I am quite certain you will love.

Don’t leave Istanbul without a taste of the brilliant baklava, Turkish ice cream, lokum—Turkish Delight—kunafa, tulumba, and muhallebi. If you can’t eat them all, at least then try the Turkish delight. Close off your meal with a good black tea or traditional Turkish coffee.

10. The famous Turkish Bath or Hamman

A traditional public bath from the Ottoman era, the Turkish bath is very popular in the country. A Turkish bath session includes relaxation, massage and cleansing, the process resulting in several benefits for the body. Hammam was very popular in the Victorian era and spread throughout Western Europe through the British Empire. In several Arab countries, you can find Hammam, such as Morocco.

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