Tips for Your First Trip to Jordan

Jordan is the most stable and secure country in the Middle East among Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Palestine. This land of amazing landscapes will give you one of the most interesting looks into world history.

Within the last couple of years, Jordan has grown as a tourist destination, offering completely unique experiences in every direction. Knowing what exactly Jordan holds in store and the sights that make it famous, along with prioritizing which of them are most important to visit or consider in advance when one is planning their trip, will be very crucial.

Looking for a different kind of vacation, one that would be simply unforgettable? Then a Jordanian holiday is just what you need. Follow these tips for your first-ever adventure in Jordan!

What to see in Jordan


One of the wonders of the world is Petra, the most visited and interesting historical monument in the country. The place is located in Wadi Mousa, a city in southern Jordan.

Basically, Petra is famous for its tombs, temples, and mausoleums. All of them were built into cliffs. The rock of the cliffs is sandstone, and the colors range from pink to red and orange. The most incredible thing about this place is the waterways that were considered too modern to exist in the time when Petra belonged.

Wadi Rum

Known as the Valley of the Moon, it is a large site carved into sandstone and granite in southern Jordan, actually the largest valley in the country.

The large, grim plainness of this area has been occupied by many civilizations for thousands of years, from the Nabataeans, who left their mark through cave paintings and graffiti to the numerous temples.

Thousands of years of accumulation of dust and sand resulted in this beauty, which is the incredible rock formation of this place.

Wadi Rum has been the setting for several films and series, from Moon Knight to Aladdin, Transformers, and Lawrence of Arabia.

Dead Sea

It is one of the saltiest bodies of water in the world and makes it utterly impossible for any type of marine life to reside in it. In that regard, the Dead Sea is very unique in that its shores are located at the lowest point in the world: 400 meters below sea level.

The Dead Sea has a beautiful location for rest and refreshment, charged with natural salts that purify your skin while you relax and float. No trip to Jordan would be complete without visiting here.


It is a coastal city in the extreme south of Jordan on the Red Sea coast. There you can swim, dive or snorkel. In addition, your beach holiday in Jordan will be complete if you visit one of the charming hammams in the resort town.

Try Aqaba’s local specialty: sayadieh, a savory dish of fish over rice with onions, tomatoes and peppers.

What to do in Jordan

Visit Desert Castles

Kerak Castle is one of the few historical buildings still standing in Jordan. The castle dominates the city and is a location for many famous battles in this part of the world. When you come to Petra, don’t miss a stop at this place.

The ruins of Jerash, formerly known as Gerasha, are of great importance in Jordan. A true example of a Roman city in the Middle East, this was the center of all cultural events. The unique architecture and carvings on the walls will show you how much craftsmanship existed at that time.

Amman’s Citadel, Jebel Al Qal’a, is also an ancient site filled with Bronze Age artifacts, reflecting how rich the fort must have been in earlier times. A grand and majestic fortress that can be explored on foot.

Visit religious places

  • Religious significance of Mukawir Fortress comes from the fact that it is the famous fortress of Herod the Great and it is said to be the site where John the Baptist got beheaded.
  • The Jordan River is where Jesus was baptized.
  • Mount Nebo, a site from which Moses is said to have viewed the Promised Land before his death.
  • Madaba is also home to the 6th century Madaba map—the oldest picture of the Holy Land.

Perform sports activities in Wadi Rum

The Wadi Rum Desert is connected to Lawrence of Arabia and features many exciting sporting activities, including rock climbing.

This will be an ideal destination if you want to find out how nomadic Bedouins live in the desert, since all these activities are more of a penchant for hiking, camping, and trekking.

Floating in the Dead Sea

Everybody must have the experience of floating in the Dead Sea of Jordan. The sea waters are highly saline in nature, and as such, it is practically impossible to sink.

Many people associate the Dead Sea with Palestine; however, it is actually on the border between Jordan and Palestine. And if you are looking for that perfect spot to do that float in its waters, Jordan is the place!

The density of its water is very high, 1.24 kg/l, making it highly buoyant. In fact, one cannot sink in such water. This mineral-rich water is useful for some skin and breathing disorders.

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