Why You Need to Visit the Ruins of Petra

Today we decided to bring you, traveler, information about the Petra Monastery in Jordan , a summary of what you will find there and tips on how to make the most of your visit to the Pink City. Continue reading this article and we will explain everything about this incredible attraction.

Routes to Petra

The most common route to see the majestic Pink City is via the Siq, a narrow strait that is over 1km long and has huge rocks. This route offers an unparalleled experience – a simply enchanting view! We are amazed at how nature is a true master at sculpting wonders!

1. Al-Madras Route

This is the route that every visitor to Petra takes, as it connects the town of Wadi Musa, the base camp complex, to the center of the old city. It takes almost an hour on foot, but you can also do it by camel or cart. It passes through the Siq gorge, a natural opening in the rocks. Here, the walls contain the remains of rock-cut altars where the Nabataeans worshipped their pagan gods. And the final stretch, the narrowest of all, opens up to reveal an unforgettable sight: the facade of al-Khazneh, also known as “the Treasury”, immortalized by Indiana Jones.

2. Night route

Petra never sleeps, at least not until very late at night, three times a week. At sunset, 1,800 candles light up the 1,200m Siq, creating a magical path. This opens onto the facade of the Treasury, also lit by hundreds of flickering candles, creating an enchanting, almost mystical atmosphere. An extra touch of folklore is added by the Bedouin, who break the solemn silence with their music. Tours start at 8.30pm, and it’s a good idea to bring some warm clothing to avoid the drop in temperature taking you by surprise.

3. Route of the Royal Tombs

This trail begins behind the Petra Theatre and ends at al-Khubtha Mountain. Sunset is the best time to follow it, when the sunlight darkens and bathes Petra in rich colors. The route passes tombs that the Nabataeans carved into the rocks and adorned with elaborate carvings. These sumptuous resting places for the dead imitated the facades of temples or their homes. The palace tomb, the largest of all, is special because its upper section is built of stone, rather than being hewn from the rock like the other buildings in Petra. From here, you can reach the highest part of al-Khubtha Mountain, with sensational views of al-Khazneh.

4. Ad-Deir Route

Covering the whole of Petra, this route takes you to the Monastery (ad-Deir) and offers views over the entire city. It takes around four hours and you need to be physically fit as it involves climbing a staircase with 800 steps. The reward for all the effort (especially on hot days) is an imposing façade measuring 50m high and 45m wide, an icon of the Nabatean archaeological style. Despite its name, the Monastery was built as a funerary monument. The staircase also provides access to three viewpoints where photography enthusiasts will want to make themselves at home, as they overlook the lunar landscape of the Wadi Araba valley.

5. Umm al-Biyara Route

This tour takes around four hours through Petra, starting and terminating at the Nymphaeum, a sanctuary dedicated to the nymphs, and culminating at the 1,178-meter-high peak of Umm al-Biyara.

There may be discovered the ruins of cisterns, unexcavated tombs, and other relics of the ancient city of Sela, the ancient kingdom of Edom’s capital. Despite being physically demanding and demanding, the walk is worthwhile. To avoid facing this journey alone, you might choose to travel with a guide.

Beyond the Treasure

Several historic buildings may be found in the Petra archeological site, the most well-known of which is the Treasury. You may also view the El-Deir Monastery, altars, tombs, and a lot more in addition to this attraction. The most popular tours to explore the region are the Treasury Temple, El Deir – the monastery, Petra at night and the Wadi Musa Valley.

Getting Around Petra

You will have to walk as automobiles are not permitted on the property, so ditch the flats and wear shoes instead. The other option for those who prefer is to rent a horse, camel or carriage. Oh, and don’t forget to bring water and sunscreen and a hat if you visit during the summer.

Global Importance

Petra, one of the most significant ancient sites in the nation and the globe, is included in the list of the most amazing modern structures as one of the Seven Wonders of the Modern globe. Do you want some excitement in your life? Then, don’t pass up the opportunity to go there.

You can not forget

Jordan is not limited to Petra, don’t forget to include other fantastic places in your itinerary, such as the amazing attractions of Amman , the wonderful Dead Sea, a camp in the starry desert of Wadi Rum and a getaway on the Red Sea in Aqaba. Oh, and in the midst of all this, always remember to have your cell phone charged and an extra camera to ensure you record unforgettable moments.

The lost city, or pink city or even city of the dead, was used tirelessly in the past as a route for caravans from various places in the Middle East and Asia. Many people passed along the paths that lead to this ancient area and their marks certainly remained in one way or another in Jordan.

The setting for disputes, wars, love affairs and even films, these lands of Jordan are rich in their essence and power. It is no wonder that all their magnitude is reflected in the expansion of tourism every year that passes.

If you want to discover the wonders of Jordan, including the magnificent Petra, don’t miss the chance to check out special itineraries that will guarantee you a truly dream trip. You can take advantage of your vacation to take a combined trip to nearby countries such as Egypt – the land of the Pyramids of Giza – and if you still have time, add Jerusalem to your itinerary, you won’t regret it!

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